Call 2 Men Memphis
It's Time!
Our Purpose: We are men who have been called since the foundation of the world to be role models for our culture and community. We have been chosen to bring change to our people and correct the misguided thinking that negatively affects our culture. We have been called to be leaders of integrity and high morals, to live and teach the truth as role models to our boys and young men as they work alongside us. We are on a mission to create a safe, prosperous, and trustworthy community and culture for our families. We are answering God’s CALL TO MEN!
Our Vision: To see our men rise up and help our families and community heal.
Our Mission: We are a group of Godly Black men who are passionate and committed to improving our community. We aspire to be a voice and light that others may follow and encourage men throughout our community to work together to bring about change.

"The crime problem in Memphis is a Black problem. To solve it we're going to need a massive community engagement initiative the likes of which we've never seen before. "
Dr. Willie Herenton
C2M Strategic Plan
Let us all come together to make our community great again. No one group or person can do this alone, we must all work together. The following are operational categories of our strategic plan. Please take a moment to review these critical areas of importance. It's time, Memphis!